Free Mini workbook

Elementary Music Centers

"How to Effectively Plan and Implement Elementary Music Centers".

July 8, 2024
1:37am TZ

is included:

  • How to start planning for the year, what to do and when.
  • How to differentiate so your students get all the support they need into an exciting and dynamic experience.
  • All the important logistics aspects.
  • Manage your classroom, monitor students behavior, and progression of centers avoiding overwhelm and burnout.
  • Efficient organization system, effective tools, and my favorite low prep centers ideas so you don't have to do all the research on your own.

When you sign up, you will also receive:

  • BONUS! Movement Routines: Three dynamic routines to energize your students and integrate movement into your music lessons.

About the Author!

Hey teacher friend,

I'm Lena Leon, passionate and all around creative music teacher. I help elementary music educators - like you - integrate music centers and play-based learning strategies into their classroom culture so they can improve their students' engagement.

Lena Leon

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